Learn & Master
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"I have seen several dance instruction videos and this was the best. This video does a good job of presenting ballroom steps in a sensible, easy-to-understand way. The instructors clearly know what they are doing, and obviously know how to share that knowledge. I thought this was an excellent course and the instructors did a good job of helping the students understand. I especially liked the split screen sections following their bodies and feet at the same time."

— Mike Pigott
Ballroom Dance Competitor, Nashville, Tennessee

"This is a great home study course. Packed with lots and lots of info and presented in a well organized and easily understood manner. It’s something we've come to expect from Legacy products.

Its great to have the music CDs included and we like how the screen is split with one pane focusing on the feet and the other showing the entire body. And the repetition will help hammer-home all the new ideas and concepts.

If you've always wanted to learn ballroom dancing but were too shy to enroll in a dance school, now you can learn in the privacy of your own home and at your own pace!"

— Bob and Tina Davis
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

"The actual steps and figure demonstrations and instruction in this course are excellent. We like the fact the instruction sequences use more than one angle, especially directly behind the instructor with the feet shown in the split-screen. The approach of teaching individual parts then bringing them together was something we both appreciated. And, the "dance-along" sequences and the end-of-session review sections where all elements are brought together and practiced were a great help.

The course is extremely fun. It is well thought out and executed and the instruction is very well done. It is a little more physical work then I expected, especially in the shoulders, so get ready."

— Gerald "Bing" Jones
Holly Springs, North Carolina

"These videos were incredibly well done. Each figure was demonstrated thoroughly using repetition and various camera angles, leaving the student little doubt as to how the figure was to be performed. Armed with the information and skills learned in Learn & Master Ballroom Dance, a student will be well equipped to take to the dance floor.  The advantage to this type of learning method as opposed to going to a dance class is that you can review the video as much as necessary, whereas in a dance class you come home and can't remember how the figures were done at class, making practice difficult."

— Blaze and Diane Rosene
Solan, Iowa

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