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Early Sale on Learn & Master Photography!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

digital photography course Learn & Master Photography

Picture Perfect Pre-Release Sale!

One Week Only: January 18-25 (sale ends midnight, Jan. 25 CST)

Super Low Introductory Price (msrp: $249):


Learn & Master Photography is our newest course and we are very excited about it.  Almost everyone you know takes photos and most people want to take the best photos they can.  This course can help ANYONE become a great photographer!  The great thing is, you don't need expensive equipment to take this course.  Only have a point-and-shoot?  That's OK!  You'll take better photos with it.

Although the course won't be available until early May, we wanted to give you a chance to reserve one of the first courses at a special price.  The Picture Perfect Pre-Release Sale will only be one week long.  After January 25, the course won't be available for purchase until later in the spring.

Here's a great video on the course:

Topics: Digital SLR basics, color management, lenses, art and metering, white balance, principles of design and aperture, and much much more.

The instructor is Vince Wallace, a nationally recognized, professional photographer in Nashville, TN.  He will walk you through all aspects of digital photography.  The course, like all our courses, is comprehensive and designed to take anyone to the advanced level.

>>Click Here To Get Learn & Master Photography for $99!<<

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