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Les Paul Memorial

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Not long ago, we posted a Happy Birthday Les Paul blog. Well, on September 10, 2011 in Waukeesha Wisconsin (Les Paul was born in Waukeesha), the Les Paul family, estate and Les Paul Foundation unveiled a 500 square foot monument to the man who is arguably the most influential figure in guitar and music. The monument is meant to celebrate the life and accomplishments of Lester William Polsfuss. The inscriptions on the stone display all of his major accomplishments and they are bookended by two quotes from Paul:

"I set my sights high and with determination. If you believe in yourself, you need only reinforce all your dreams."

"Every setback might be the very thing that makes you carry on and fight all the harder and become much better."

~ Les Paul

New memorial to Les Paul

You can visit the memorial at the Prairie Home Cemetery. It is open to the public and free. A trip to this monument may become a pilgrimage of sorts for guitarist in the years to come.
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