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L&M October Profile of the Month: Ken Wilson

Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Ken WilsonName: Ken Wilson

City: Jacksonville, FL

Forum Username: kwilson5035

My Gear:
Rainsong WS1000
Yamaha FG730
Yamaha 160

Favorite Artists/Bands: Beatles
Peter, Paul, and Mary
Willie Nelson
Joan Baez
and anything else that even remotely similar

Favorite style of music to play: Folk

What made you want to play music? I gave my grandsons a guitar and drum set and decided to join in.

Previous music experience: I made my own electric guitar while in high school and played with some friends.  Looking back we weren’t good but it kept us busy.

If the house was on fire, which instrument would you grab? The Rainsong (after I got my cats out).

Favorite place to be when playing guitar: I like to be outside when I can. I have created a stool that carries everything but the guitar so I can practice outside.

Most delightful musical moment so far: Playing with Steve on the live lesson. I was far from good but it put a smile my face that’s still there.

Hobbies: Wood working
Leather work

Current Job: My wife and I operate a travelling rock climbing wall. Most weekends we are at some festival or street fair.
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