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L&M Student Profile of the Month: Karen Bloomquist

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Name: Karen Bloomquist

City: Plainfield, IL

Forum Username: Saphira

My Gear:
Martin 000CXE acoustic
Yamaha FD01S acoustic
Epiphone Les Paul Studio
Mustang 1 amp

Favorite Artists/Bands: Eric Clapton, Tommy Emmanuel, Steve Vai, Jennifer Batten (I looked up to her as a teen)

Favorite styles to play: Fingerstyle and Rock.

What made you want to play music?  After a night out listening to some blues players I told my hubby I wanted to learn to play guitar. For our anniversary he bought me my 1st guitar. He is always inspiring me to explore my love for music.

Previous music experience: Grade school through high school I played trumpet.

If the house was on fire, which instrument would you grab? That is a tough choice but I have to say my Martin. It has sentimental value, and if I grabbed the electric I'd have to grab the amp too.

Favorite place to be when playing guitar: In the living room with my family.

Most delightful musical moment so far: Playing "Dust in the Wind" for my family and seeing the joy on there faces

Hobbies: Making soap and candles.

Current Job: Stay-at-home Mom of 3 kids.
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