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Pete Huttlinger Medical Fund

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Pete Huttlinger is not just an excellent fingerpick guitarist, he is also a good friend of mine. He has also been a familiar name and face at our yearly Guitar Gathering (although he wasn't able to come this year because of his health). Earlier this year, I made a post on our Student Support Forum about how his health is deteriorating due to severe heart failure. Many of you expressed your prayers and concern for Pete and his family and I thank you for this.Pete Huttlinger

Pete's medical situation has put emotional strain on his family and friends as any severe health problem can, and now is adding financial strain as well. We don't promote charity unless it is truly a need we can relate to and touches us…this does both. There are two ways you can help Pete and his wife, Erin, to get through this chapter of their lives:

1. Donate to the Pete Huttlinger Medical Fund. You can visit www.petehuttlinger.com for full information on how and where to donate.

2. Attend For Pete’s Sake: You’ve Gotta Have Heart on July 26 at Mercy Lounge in Nashville, TN. This is an event some of Pete's music friends (Vince Gill, John Oates, The Long Players, John Jorgenson and others) are putting on for his benefit. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online or at the door. RSVP to the event on Facebook.

Pete has certainly been a great joy to the music industry and deserves our help!

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