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Testimonials and Reviews

What do you think about our course? Leave your thoughts on the testimonial thread on our forum. We may post yours here!

"Thank you Steve, you have made my dream come true. You have made me a guitarist."
Gene Arnold, Highland Lakes, New Jersey

Michael's Story: "I thought I was an intermediate player but I wasn't. I was on the road and I could take the DVDs with me"

"This is by far the best guitar learning program I have ever encountered. I have tried quite a few "learn guitar" programs that also give you a progressive and varied learning format. However, they never ever had the same kind of depth and structure; let alone the community support, as Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar. If you put in the effort to learn what has been taught, the 20 sessions will make you a pretty decent guitarist. Best of all you learn it at your own pace and eventually fall into the structure where you know how fast you can learn something."
Michael, Lonoke, Arkansas

"My name is Stefan. I live in Krakow, Poland and I'm starting the L&M Guitar course for the third time. At my second attempt I ended somewhere around session 10. I don't quite remember the reasons why I stopped - but that is the past. Today, I guess I'm at a quite difficult point of my life. I wanted to return to playing guitar for quite a time. So I put the first DVD in the tray and... off we go! Wow! I missed that sooo much! The Bonus Workshop? Here I come! I think it has a lot to do with you, Steve. You as a teacher, you as a guitar player and - most importantly - you as a person. So here I am now, listening to my favorite guitarist, writing to you, sharing my passion. I'm going to keep posting, keep the spirits high, keep you updated on my progress and try to be of any help!"
Stephan, Krakow, Poland

"I must thank you Steve. You have changed my life. If it weren't for L&M Guitar and now the Blues Spotlight Series, I would never played guitar. I started last Mar 13th and followed the program religiously. Then in November, bought the spotlight series for Blues guitar. I love to play. In my wildest dreams I never believed I could play, much less get up in front of someone. Now I can and I am having a great deal of fun with life again. Thanks for caring so much for people and sharing the gift of music God has bestowed on you with people like me."
Joe King, Fayetteville, North Carolina
(Read the post on our student support forum)

Guitar World Magazine Noe Gold logo"The interface is in your face! It’s easy to follow for both a young player like my 12 year old son or a more experienced one like my studio buddies."
Noe Gold, Founding editor of Guitar World Magazine

"I just wanted to pass along my thanks. I have been using our lesson DVDs and find them to be the best I have every come across. If I can do this I feel anyone who wants to learn to play a guitar can. Thanks so much."
Richard Reinke, Waukesha, Wisconsin

"I bought the Learn and Master Guitar Course in 2009. I especially enjoy playing over one of the backing tracks in the course that is called “Suspended Smooth” which is on CD 3, track 21. I decided to record and upload to You Tube as an example of what one can learn.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7WWys87bG4

Thank you Steve for putting out such a wonderful course. It is really helpful. I did not begin playing guitar until 2001 at 32 years old and your course has contributed a great deal to my development."
Troy Newbegin, Johnson City, Tennessee

Legacy Days Guitar Gathering Group Picture

Some of the Students at a 2010 Guitar Gathering with students from around the world. Click for a larger view.

"After recently watching the movie The Bucket List, I convinced myself that I would learn to play guitar. I found some “free” lessons online and spent four long days plucking on my new guitar. I was ready to quit! You get what you pay for when you download “free” lessons. This course was money well spent. You really do make it seem like I am getting a private lesson. I can’t thank you enough. This was the best money I have ever spent."
Ben Davidson, Livingston, Texas

"I just started learning the guitar with the help of L&M Guitar and just wanted to say that it's AMAZING! It is so easy to follow the instructions but still so much new things you learn in each single lesson. I'm practising lesson 4 right now and it's pretty tough, but I think I can do it. I won't give up! :)"
Markus in Germany

Blues Guitarist Jack Pearson"I really enjoyed working with Steve on the blues course, he's a fine guitarist and an excellent instructor. The Learn & Master products that I've seen are top notch."
Jack Pearson (Guitarist for Allman Brothers, Jimmy Buffett, Faith Hill. "One of the best blues/rock guitarists on the scene today." - Real Blues Magazine)

"With my health issues, I'm not sure I would have made it thru everything without you. Every time I think I should learn from something else, I realize that L&MG not only includes everything I need to learn, but contains a clear cut path to that goal. I just don't know how to tell you just how much you have meant to me. Thank you sooo much!"
Warren in Texas

"I attended the Tennessee School for the Blind. I am not totally blind- just somewhat lacking visual acuity. Your Learn and Master Guitar is not only the absolute best out there but has transcended boundaries of which you weren’t aware. I can get as close to the DVD player as I need and your book is very easy to read. Besides you are the best teacher I have ever taken lessons from."
Terry, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Sandy Mason Playing Guitar"As a songwriter for many years, I have discovered the importance of knowing how to play an instrument. When I sit down to write, I have my guitar with me and begin to brainstorm. After viewing the videos and reading the book that’s included in the Learn & Master Guitar course, I quickly learned that this is a must for any artists or songwriter. I would highly recommend this product. It’s first class."
Sandy Mason, Nashville Hit Songwriter (Songwriter of "Two Pina Coladas" #1 for Garth Brooks and "When I Dream" for Crystal Gayle)

"Learn & Master Guitar is a phenomenal program. It's clear and concise and watching the DVDs is like having your very own guitar instructor in the room with you. The course is extremely thorough and well planned out. It's like having at least a year's worth of guitar lessons in one complete package! I wish a program like this existed when I was learning to play—it would have saved me a lot of time and frustration!!!"
Michael Elsner, Professional Guitar Player, Encino, California

Brian's Story: "I went ahead and bought the system and I love it. It's very comprehensive. I like Steve's method because it teaches you the theory and when you get done...you'll be able to play with any band. I looked at some other systems and this was the most comprehensive..."

"Learn and Master Guitar is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I researched this course and determined I would take a chance on it. I had my doubts, but I took the plunge so to speak. I have not looked back. I thought it was great that we had extra material in the form of the bonus material. I thought it was great that we received information from others via the message board. Now this brand new forum. We have been given a place to find answers, to discuss and exchange ideas, we can talk privately or openly to each other. We can display our individual talents and progress. We can share with each other."
Scott, Tucson Arizona
(Read Full Post Here in our Student Support Forum)

"Thank you for a wonderful guitar course! I purchased it approximately 2 years ago after returning from a tour in Kuwait/Iraq. I had to retire because of depression. Learning the guitar helped lift me from that depression! I am now playing gospel music in a nursing home weekly."
Leland O. Redmond

ASCAP music Logo"I can think of no better comprehensive, instructive tool for budding songwriters than the Learn & Master series. The program is also great for professional musicians striving to be their best and improve their game."
Herky Williams, ASCAP (Assistant Vice President - ASCAP, The American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers.)

"Just thought I would let you know that I finished Learn & Master Guitar and I learned a lot from the program. I joined as an intermediate guitarist with a fair amount of skepticism but soon realized that I was going to learn a lot from the course by Session 8. Thanks Steve!"
JM, Alberta, Canada

Johnny Hiland Blues Guitar Lessons"I am very honored to have had the pleasure of meeting, and working, with Steve Krenz. Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar provides a wonderful, informative, and user-friendly way to learn guitar. To me, guitar, and music itself, is a gift. This program is a blessing for everyone!"
Johnny Hiland (Guitarist for Ricky Skaggs, Vince Gill, 
Toby Keith & Randy Travis.)

"This is really the first time I have ever been excited about learning guitar! What I really like are the practice lessons. They are tricky enough to force you to work with them, but simple enough that you can figure them out and feel like you're succeeding in it. Before when I was learning, I didn't have a way to judge how I was doing. With Learn & Master Guitar, I can see myself taking little steps and have the satisfaction that I am truly learning something."
Chris Helsel, Beginning Guitar Player, Austin, Texas

"You have taught me more than just how to play guitar, but how to focus on a goal and stick to it.You have changed my life!"
Mike Robert, Portland, Oregon

"It has been 16 months now since I bought this course, and I have had some ups and downs, but I have loved every minute of it. I have always loved music, but now I might go as far as to say that I am obsessed with it. When I'm sleeping I 'm thinking of music. When I'm working, I'm thinking of music. When I'm driving, or washing the dishes...well you get my point. It has gotten to a point where I truly feel that this could maybe be something more for me; maybe I have finally found the calling I have been seeking.

[Professionally], music is where it's at for me. It might take me 5...or maybe 10 years...and then who knows; maybe I'll want to learn more. But now I feel that I am set on the right path, and it all started with a little bit of perseverance, and Learn and Master Guitar."
Ben in Surrey, British Columbia, Canada (Read Full Post on our Student Support Forum)

"Rob Marcus, one of our attorneys and an avid guitar player worked the Learn & Master Guitar program with his young daughter. He said “as instructive programs go, this gets the SESAC logo Dennis Lordgold ribbon! This is as good, no, better than being face to face with a live teacher because it’s 24/7. Steve Krenz is so engaging non-threatening and easy to follow."
Dennis Lord, SESAC (Executive Vice President - SESAC, The Society of European Stage Authors & Composers)

"I purchased L&MG and started the process of learning to play guitar which has been a lifelong dream of mine. I didn't know what to expect even though your product gets the highest reviews on the web. Could a 53 year old boy really learn to play? 

Thanks for the best training product I have ever seen! The cognitive benefit for us old people is amazing! Many thanks for bringing friends and families together through the joy of music! "
Ken Poindexter, Davidson, North Carolina (Read full post on our student support forum)

"My husband has been trying to learn guitar for two years by struggling through books. A few chords he picked up right away, but he never seemed to be able to progress much beyond that. He would always say, 'I just need someone to show me!' Since starting Learn & Master Guitar, he's improved his fingering, his understanding of how to read music, and he is finally excited enough to stay motivated and practice regularly. Thank you!!!"
- - - L-- -- 
Tamar Eisenmann, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Gibson's Learn and Master Guitar Students Playing

Students from around the world gathered in Nashville in July 2010 to play together and learn from each other. The Student Support forum is more than an online resource...for many students it's like family. Click for a larger view.

"Steve I just wanted to let you know your course is by far the best I've seen that's out there, and trust me when I say this because I wasted a lot of money on courses that promise you to play like Jimmy Hendrix in just one week. Your course itself is awesome but what really puts it all together for me is your discussion board and all the wonderful people with such great advice…"
Tony in Quebec, Canada

"On your forum I found a wealth of information but more importantly I found a group of caring people that goes out of their way to assist others and an instructor that takes the time to respond."
Jim Pasq, Hurley, New York 

"As a guitar teacher, I have a lot of resources for musicians, and this one is probably the best one I have seen so far. It really does have everything I can imagine needing. The only down-side is that it could make us three dimensional teachers obsolete!

If you are looking for comprehensive program for learning guitar, this is it. You can learn everything you need to know from the comfort of your own home. And if you are an instructor looking for resources as I am, I would bet this will be one of your favorites. Lastly, if you want a great gift for a budding guitar player in your life, stop here... they will thank you publicly on their first CD! I believe this product will be around for a long time to come, and I for one am happy to have it in my calloused, hot little hands!"
Carol Manglos, Professional Guitar Instructor, E. Syracuse, New York

Rick Vito Guitar Fleetwood Mac"Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar and Steve Krenz are providing an nvaluable service to those who are passionate about learning various styles of guitar in a very unique way."
Rick Vito (Grammy nominated guitarist for Fleetwood Mac, Bob Seger, Bonnie Raitt, & Jackson Browne)

"These DVDs are amazing and I can’t thank you enough for what you have done. I think it’s really great what you are doing. You’re changing lives of people you’ve never met. This is by far the best instructional DVD set on the subject (and I’ve had several). Learning is so much fun for me now!"
Theron Atkins, Chicago, Illinois

"I have been playing on and off for a good ten years now and until Learn & Master Guitar, I hadn't felt like I had progressed that much. The lessons are easy to follow and not intimidating at all. Steve's way of teaching is great! He doesn't go too fast and he keeps you engaged each step of the way.

Oh, and I had always thought reading music was for people who understood Beethoven but now it seems like that's not the case! This is great news! I'll keep you posted on my progress."
Stephen Stuart, Intermediate Guitar Player, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Gibson's Learn and Master Guitar Student Playing

Student playing at our Guitar Gathering in 2010.

"I purchased Learn and Master the guitar in June and have been playing almost daily since… I was playing almost daily prior to that but I desired structure and more information than that which I was receiving and I was blessed to find your program.

In a word… no a word won’t do… in many words… wow, amazing, fantastic, great, awesome, and incredible. 

I am so impressed with the quality and the content of the program. I am also impressed with your magnificent teaching ability and that expressed through a DVD! I feel like I am sitting right in front of you and I am wholly relaxed while I learn.... I play along with you, listen intently to you, laugh with you and marvel at the your timing of comments… it is almost uncanny…"
Dave, airline captain, Columbus, Ohio

"I recently purchased your learning system, and I must honestly say, that it is an amazing learning tool...I have been a guitar lover for years, but have put my guitar down for a few months due to personal circumstances...Recently I have been getting back that "itch" and by chance found your site, read the reviews and ordered your program. It is amazing. Thanks for reigniting my fire...It is just what I needed to get back into the flow of things...and make me a more complete player. Keep up the good work."
Albin Flesch, Los Angeles, CA

"As a music teacher, I really like this program! Steve seems very comfortable and there are times I feel like I'm getting a private lesson. He has a knack for answering questions at the right time... it's like he's reading my mind.

The materials are fantastic because they teach so many aspects of music (notation, rhythm, tab, etc.) while teaching guitar. Nothing is assumed or taken for granted. The first lessons provide a solid musical foundation which is steadily built on. Some more advanced students may be tempted to skip ahead to where they feel challenged, but they will soon head back to lesson 1 and 2 to develop that stable foundation. I've been able to move quickly through lessons 1 - 6, but I'm glad that I didn't skip them."
Ross Bonjernoor, Music Teacher, Hillsdale, Michigan

David Preston BMI"The package (Learn & Master Guitar) is incredible and very well done."
- David Preston, BMI (Director of Writer/Publisher Relations - BMI)

"We are in our mid-50’s and are extremely passionate and terribly excited with Steve’s lesson program. Thank you Steve. Thank you Gibson's Learn & Master Guitar. Every night we can’t wait to get together and work through more material."
Patricia and Terry Hinkle, DeKalb, Illinois

"Thank you so much Steve, L&M, and the community here for making my dream possible."
- Michael Shipley. Read full post on the Student Support Forum.

"You are by far the most gifted teacher I have ever had anything to do with."
Jim Young, Scituate, Massachusetts

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